1890 – Shepherdstown Lots Map by S.P. Humrickhouse
The Map
S. P. Humrickhouse’s plat map of Shepherdstown was drawn in 1890. In the February 21, 1890 edition of The Shepherdstown Register, then-editor Henry L. (H.L.) Snyder published the statement below about his copy of the map: “The editor has been placed under obligation to Mr. Samuel P. Humrickhouse for a very neatly executed plat of Shepherdstown that was recently drawn by him. It is made in colors, and besides defining the limits of the town and showing the streets and alleys and the numbers of the lots, has marked upon it the public buildings of the place. It is on linen paper, and is a possession that will long be valuable. Mr. H. has our thanks.”
This plat map appears to have been the only map that Humrickhouse drew. Other copies of this map do exist. This copy of the map was donated to The Historic Shepherdstown Museum by Jane Snyder, whose husband William Snyder, a grandson of H.L. Snyder, was the last editor of The Shepherdstown Register.