2023 Holiday Ornament

2023 Holiday Ornament available

Historic Shepherdstown Commission’s annual holiday ornament is now on sale. The 2023 ornament features Christ Reformed Church. It is available by mail at the Museum Shop or in person at the office in the Entler Hotel or the Christmas in Shepherdstown markets, also at the Entler Hotel.

Christ Reformed Church initially opened in Shepherdstown in 1747, and celebrated its 275th anniversary in October 2022. Its final service was held in January 2023. The 1798 stone belltower holds the oldest bells in Shepherdstown. The brick building, which housed the congregation until recently, was built in 1839 and expanded in 1881. Its graveyard features the graves of 11 Revolutionary War soldiers and patriots. The building will have a new life as a performance space for the Contemporary American Theater Festival.